Lowenstein BiLevel Prisma 25S Automatic BiPAP Machine
Lowenstein BiLevel Prisma 25S Automatic BiPAP Machine

BiPAP device for effective treatment of obstructive, mixed or central apneas with high or fluctuating pressure needs. It features easy navigation and setting of operating parameters with an easy-to-use touch screen.


  • IPAP range 4 - 25hPa
  • Large color touch screen
  • New technology (FOT) to separate central and obstructive apneas
  • softSTART ramp functions, automatic start / stop (autoSTART-STOP)
  • Visualization of 14-day treatment data in high resolution & 365 days extensive data on SD
  • card
  • Noise level 26.5db(A)
  • Optional TriPAP function
  • Optional automatic triggers